scott![]() |
faculty appointments | |
2017– | UC San Diego · Professor, Cognitive Science and Computer Science & Engineering |
2013–2017 | UC San Diego · Associate Professor, Cognitive Science and Computer Science & Engineering |
2013-15 | Stanford University · Visiting Associate Professor, CS |
2011-13 | Stanford University · Associate Professor & Bredt Faculty Scholar Development Chair, Computer Science |
2004-11 | Stanford University · Assistant Professor, Computer Science |
degrees | |
2004 | University of California, Berkeley · PhD, Computer Science |
2001 | University of California, Berkeley · MS in Computer Science |
1999 | Brown University · Dual BA w/hons, Art-Semiotics & Computer Science Graphic Design coursework at Rhode Island School of Design |
honors | |
2006-2013 | Five ACM CHI & UIST Best Papers |
2009-2019 | Six ACM CHI Honor. Mention Papers |
2015 | Harvard GSE Disting. Visiting Fellow |
2013 | ACM Senior Member |
2011 | Stanford Bredt Faculty Scholar |
2011 | Katayanagi Emerging Leadership Prize |
2008 | NSF CAREER |
2008 | Sloan Fellowship |
2006 | Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellow |
leadership | |
2015-2021 | Learning at Scale Steering Committee |
2014-2021 | UCSD Design Lab Co-Founder & Co-Director |
online teaching | |
2015- | Interaction Design Specialization, Coursera w/E. Gerber, J. Wobbrock |
2015-2017 | Design for Non-Designers, w/A. Anderson & S. Yen, SAP |
2012-2015 | HCI Online, Coursera >200k enrolled |
program (co-)chair | |
2018 | ACM Learning at Scale Conference |
2011 | ACM UIST Conference |
2010 | Stanford Computer Forum |
2010 | Systems Area, ACM CHI Conference |
2009 | HCI Consortium Workshop |
editorial board | |
2012–18 | Human-Computer Interaction |
2011–18 | ACM Transactions on CHI |
advisory board | |
2015- | UC San Diego Extension: UX and Graphic/Web Design Certificate Programs |
2014-17 | Apropose, Inc. $1.9M in seed funding |
2014 | TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering |
2014-2019 | CalIT2 Gallery |
2014 | Coursera Data Policy Advisory Committee |
2013 | UNC Charlotte Design + Computation Program |
2011-13 | Red Giant |
2011-12 | Caltrain Citizens Advisory Committee |
2010-2017 | California College of the Arts · Interaction Design Program |
2010 | NTT DoCoMo Labs |
(co-)editor | |
2014 | Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction Special Issue: Online Learning at Scale |
2014 | Human-Computer Interaction Special Issue on Design Thinking |
2008 | IEEE CG&A Special Issue on Mobile Graphics |
workshop/panel (co-)chair | |
2014 | ACM CHI · Learning Innovations at Scale |
2013 | National Academy of Engineering · Designing and Analyzing Societal Networks - Frontiers of Engineering |
2006 | ACM CSCW · Collaborating Over Paper and Digital Documents |
2005 | Stanford Computer Forum · Mobile Interaction |
2005 | ACM CHI · The Future of User Interface Design Tools |
2004 | IEEE Pervasive · Toolkit Support for Interaction in the Physical World |
major presentations (excluding colloquia) | |
2016 | TedX, San Diego, CA |
2015 | COIL Fischer Speaker, Penn State, PA |
2015 | SXSW, Austin, TX |
2014 | Google I/O 'Moonshot', Designing a World that Teaches Itself, San Francisco, CA |
2014 | Learning Analytics & Knowledge Keynote, Design at Large, Indianapolis, IN |
2013 | Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing Keynote, Design at Large: The Power of Examples, San Jose, CA |
2013 | International Computing Education Research Keynote, San Diego, CA |
2010 | National Academy of Engineering · Future of Engineering Education, Irvine, CA |
2005, 2010 | PARC Forum, Palo Alto, CA |
2010 | First China Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing, China |
2009 | Stanford Leading Matters, Los Angeles, CA |
2008 | Cadence Research Keynote, Berkeley, CA |
2006 | Mobile & Ubiquitous Media Keynote, Stanford, CA |
2005 | IBM New Paradigms in Using Computers Plenary, Almaden, CA |
2005 | Information Processing Society Keynote, Tokyo, Japan |
· | Phd students & post-docs |
Tricia Ngoon | |
2020 | Vineet Pandey |
2020 | Ailie Fraser |
2016 | Catherine Hicks (Post-Doc), Learning Researcher, Google |
2015 | Chinmay Kulkarni (Co-Advised w/Michael Bernstein), Assistant Prof., CMU (Siebel Scholar) |
2013 | Ranjitha Kumar, Assistant Prof., UIUC & Apropose (Google PhD Fellow) |
2013 | Jesse Cirimele, Stanford Post-Doc |
2013 | Nicolas Kokkalis, Stanford Post-Doc |
2011 | Neil Patel (Co-Advised w/Tapan Parikh), Awaaz.De |
2011 | Steven Dow (Post-Doc), Assistant Prof., UC San Diego |
2010 | Joel Brandt, Adobe Labs (Stanford Graduate Fellow) |
2009 | Bjoern Hartmann, Associate Prof., UC Berkeley (Stanford Graduate Fellow) |
2007 | Ron Yeh, Entrepeneur |
2007 | Brian Lee, Palantir |
· | service |
uc san diego | |
Chair, Design Faculty Search 2019, 2018, 2017 Chair, CogSci Faculty Search 2016 Chair, CogSci Teaching Faculty Search 2017, 2016 Chair, CogSci Teaching Load Committee 2018 Design & Innovation Building Advisory Committee 2017— Dean Pisano Reappointment Committee2018 CogSci PhD Admissions 2019, 2015 CSE PhD Admissions 2016, 2015, 2014 CalIT2 Gallery 2015— CogSci Faculty Search 2015 CSE MS Committee 2016–2018 CogSci PhD Curriculum 2017 CogSci Undergraduate Curriculum 2015–2016 Advisor, Design UCSD student group(2014–2016), Teaching & Learning Space Committee 2014 |
program committee | |
Learning @ Scale, CHI, UIST, HotMobile, ACM Creativity & Cognition, Graphics Interface, Ubicomp Workshops | |
referee | |
TOCHI, SIGGRAPH, New Media & Society, UIST, CACM, HCI Journal, CHI, Ubicomp, AIEDAM, Graphics Interface, HICCS, Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies, CSCW, ISEA, JCSCW, ICMI, IEEE Pervasive, Interacting with Computers, IEEE SMC | |
stanford | |
Undergraduate Research Advisory Panel (2012), CS Executive Committee(2011-12), CS Faculty Hiring(2011-12), Medicine X Advisory Board(2011–), NSF POMI Steering Group(2010-2013), Gates Building Improvements (2010–2012), HCI Breadth Czar (2010-2013), e-Day (2006, 2010, 2011), Symbolic Systems Steering Committee (2007–2012), Course Assignments (2007-2009), HCI Comprehensive Exam (2006-2009), PhD Admissions (2005-2009), PhD Program Revision Committee (2009), Computer Forum Committee (2009), Faculty Search Committee (2008), Computer Science Strategic Plan (2005), Undergraduate Research (2004) | |
Google H-Index: 48. In HCI, student authors are generally listed first; supervising faculty generally listed last. The premier HCI publication venues are the annual ACM CHI, UIST, & CSCW conferences. The premier journals are ACM TOCHI & Human-Computer Interaction. Strong domain-specific venues include DIS, Learning@Scale, and Creativity & Cognition. Papers authored with Mira Dontcheva represent an equal contribution by both of us. | |
2021 | |
1 | Shöwn: Adaptive Conceptual Guidance Aids Example Use in Creative Tasks. Tricia J Ngoon, Joy O Kim, Scott Klemmer. DIS: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. |
2 | “It feels like I am talking into a void”: Understanding interaction gaps in synchronous online classrooms. Matin Yarmand, Jaemarie Solyst, Scott Klemmer, Nadir Weibel. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.. |
3 | Galileo: Citizen-led Experimentation Using a Social Computing System. Vineet Pandey, Tushar Koul, Chen Yang, Daniel McDonald, Mad Price Ball, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Rob Knight, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2019 | |
4 | Sharing the studio: How creative livestreaming can inspire, educate, and engage. C Ailie Fraser, Joy O Kim, Alison Thornsberry, Scott Klemmer, Mira Dontcheva. Creativity & Cognition. |
5 | RePlay: Contextually Presenting Learning Videos Across Software Applications. C. Ailie Fraser, Tricia J. Ngoon, Mira Dontcheva, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2018 | |
6 | Score-Group Framing Negatively Impacts Peer Evaluations. Celia Durkin, Federico Rossano, Scott Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. |
7 | Docent: Transforming personal intuitions to scientific hypotheses through content learning and process training. Vineet Pandey, Justine Debelius, Embriette R. Hyde, Tomasz Kosciolek, Rob Knight, Scott Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
8 | Juxtapeer: Comparative Peer Review Yields Higher Quality Feedback and Promotes Deeper Reflection. Julia Cambre, Scott Klemmer, Chinmay Kulkarni. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
9 | Interactive Guidance Technique for Improving Creative Feedback. Tricia J Ngoon, C Ailie Fraser, Ariel S Weingarten, Mira Dontcheva, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. honorable mention |
2017 | |
10 | MyriadHub: Efficiently Scaling Personalized Email Conversations with Valet Crowdsourcing. Nicolas Kokkalis, Chengdiao Fan, Johannes Roith, Michael S. Bernstein, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. honorable mention |
11 | Gut Instinct: Creating Scientific Theories with Online Learners. Vineet Pandey, Amnon Amir, Justine Debelius, Embriette R. Hyde, Tomasz Kosciolek, Rob Knight, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2016 | |
12 | Reimagining Human Research Protections for 21st Century Science. Cinnamon Bloss, Camille Nebeker, Matthew Bietz, Deborah Bae, Barbara Bigby, Mary Devereaux, James Fowler, Ann Waldo, Nadir Weibel, Kevin Patrick, Scott Klemmer, Lori Melichar. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 18 |
13 | DiscoverySpace: Suggesting Actions in Complex Software. C. Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, Holger Winnemoeller, Sheryl Ehrlich, Scott Klemmer. DIS: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. |
14 | Framing Feedback: Choosing Review Environment Features that Support High Quality Peer Assessment. Catherine Hicks, Vineet Pandey, C. Ailie Fraser, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2015 | |
15 | Talkabout: Making distance matter with small groups in massive classes. Chinmay Kulkarni, Julia Cambre, Yasmine Kotturi, Michael S. Bernstein, Scott Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. |
16 | Structure and messaging techniques for online peer learning systems that increase stickiness. Yasmine Kotturi, Chinmay Kulkarni, Michael Bernstein, Scott Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
17 | PeerStudio: Rapid Peer Feedback Emphasizes Revision and Improves Performance. Chinmay Kulkarni, Michael S Bernstein, Scott R Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
2014 | |
18 | Supporting Crisis Response with Dynamic Procedure Aids. Leslie Wu, Jesse Cirimele, Kristen Leach, Larry Chu, T Kyle Harrison, Stuart Card, Scott R Klemmer. DIS: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. |
19 | RapidRead: Step-At-A-Glance Crisis Checklists. Jesse Cirimele, Leslie Wu, Kristen Leach, Stuart Card, Larry Chu, T Kyle Harrison, Scott R Klemmer. 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. honorable mention |
20 | Scaling Short-answer Grading by Combining Peer Assessment with Algorithmic Scoring. Chinmay Kulkarni, Richard Socher, Michael S. Bernstein, Scott R. Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
2013 | |
21 | Peer and Self Assessment in Massive Online Classes. Chinmay Kulkarni, Koh Pang Wei, Huy Le, Daniel Chia, Kathryn Papadopoulos, Justin Cheng, Daphne Koller, Scott R Klemmer. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. |
22 | TaskGenies: Automatically Providing Action Plans Helps People Complete Tasks. Nicolas Kokkalis, Thomas Koehn, Johanes Huebner, Moontae Lee, Florian Schulze, Scott R Klemmer. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 20 |
23 | Power to the Peers: Authority of Source Effects for a Voice-Based Agricultural Information Service in Rural India. Neil Patel, Krishna Savani, Paresh Dave, Kapil Shah, Scott R Klemmer, Tapan S Parikh. Information Technologies & International Development. |
24 | Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web. Ranjitha Kumar, Arvind Satyanarayan, Cesar Torres, Maxine Lim, Salman Ahmad, Scott R Klemmer, Jerry O Talton. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. best paper |
25 | EmailValet: Managing Email Overload through Private, Accountable Crowdsourcing. Nicolas Kokkalis, Thomas Köhn, Carl Pfeiffer, Dima Chornyi, Michael S. Bernstein, Scott R. Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. |
2012 | |
26 | Early and Repeated Exposure to Examples Improves Creative Work. Chinmay Kulkarni, Steven P Dow, Scott R Klemmer. Cognitive Science. |
27 | Shepherding the Crowd Yields Better Work. Steven P. Dow, Anand Kulkarni, Scott R. Klemmer, Bjoern Hartmann. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. |
28 | Power to the Peers: Authority of Source Effects for a Voice-based Agricultural Information Service in Rural India. Neil Patel, Krishna Savani, Paresh Dave, Kapil Shah, Scott R. Klemmer, Tapan S. Parikh. ICTD: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. |
2011 | |
29 | d.tour: Style-based Exploration of Design Example Galleries. Daniel Ritchie, Ankita Arvind Kejriwal, Scott R Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
30 | Flexible Tree Matching. Ranjitha Kumar, Jerry O. Talton, Salman Ahmad, Tim Roughgarden and Scott R. Klemmer. IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. |
31 | Prototyping Dynamics: Sharing Multiple Designs Improves Exploration, Group Rapport, and Results. Steven P Dow, Julie Fortuna, Dan Schwartz, Beth Altringer, Daniel L Schwartz, and Scott R Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
32 | Bricolage: Example-Based Retargeting for Web Design. Ranjitha Kumar, Jerry O. Talton, Salman Ahmad, and Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. best paper |
2010 | |
33 | Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Self-Efficacy. Steven P Dow, Alana Glassco, Jonathan Kass, Melissa Schwarz, Daniel Schwartz, Scott R Klemmer. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 17 |
34 | Example-Centric Programming: Integrating Web Search into the Development Environment. Joel Brandt, Mira Dontcheva, Marcos Weskamp, Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. honorable mention |
35 | What Would Other Programmers Do? Suggesting Solutions to Error Messages. Bjoern Hartmann, Daniel MacDougall, Joel Brandt, Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. honorable mention |
36 | d.note: Revising User Interfaces Through Change Tracking, Annotations, and Alternatives. Bjoern Hartmann, Sean Follmer, Antonio Ricciardi, Timothy Cardenas, Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
37 | Designing with Interactive Example Galleries. Brian Lee, Savil Srivastava, Ranjitha Kumar, Ronen Brafman, Scott R Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2009 | |
38 | The Efficacy of Prototyping Under Time Constraints. Steven P. Dow, Kate Heddleston, Scott R. Klemmer. Creativity & Cognition. |
39 | Two Studies of Opportunistic Programming: Interleaving Web Foraging, Learning, and Writing Code. Joel Brandt, Philip J. Guo, Joel Lewenstein, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. honorable mention |
40 | Coordinating Tasks on the Commons: Designing for Personal Goals, Expertise, and Serendipity. Michel Krieger, Emily Margarete Stark, Scott R Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
41 | Toolkit Support for Integrating Physical and Digital Interactions. Scott R. Klemmer, and James A. Landay. HCI Journal. 24 |
2008 | |
42 | Range: Exploring Implicit Interaction through Electronic Whiteboard Design. Wendy Ju, Brian Lee, and Scott R Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. |
43 | Iterative Design and Evaluation of an Event Architecture for Pen-and-Paper Interfaces. Ron B. Yeh, Andreas Paepcke, and Scott Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
44 | Design As Exploration: Creating Interface Alternatives through Parallel Authoring and Runtime Tuning. Björn Hartmann, Loren Yu, Abel Allison, Yeonsoo Yang, Scott R. Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. best student paper |
45 | Integrating Physical and Digital Interactions on Walls. Scott R. Klemmer, Katherine M. Everitt, James A. Landay. HCI Journal. 23 |
46 | Exiting the cleanroom: on ecological validity and ubiquitous computing. Scott Carter, Jennifer Mankoff, Scott R. Klemmer, and Tara Matthews. HCI Journal. 23 |
2007 | |
47 | Programming by a Sample: Rapidly Creating Web Applications with d.mix. Björn Hartmann, Leslie Wu, Kevin Collins, Scott R. Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
48 | Patterns of Collaboration in Design Courses: Team dynamics affect technology appropriation, artifact creation, and course performance. Heidy Maldonado, Brian Lee, Scott R Klemmer, Roy D Pea. CSCL: Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. |
49 | Authoring Sensor-based Interactions by Demonstration with Direct Manipulation and Pattern Recognition. Björn Hartmann, Leith Abdulla, Manas Mittal, Scott R Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. best paper |
2006 | |
50 | Reflective Physical Prototyping through Integrated Design, Test, and Analysis. Björn Hartmann, Scott R. Klemmer, Michael Bernstein, Leith Abdulla, Brandon Burr, Avi Robinson-Mosher, Jennifer Gee. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. best paper |
51 | How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design. Scott R Klemmer, Björn Hartmann, Leila Takayama. DIS: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. |
52 | ButterflyNet: A Mobile Capture and Access System for Field Biology Research. Ron B. Yeh, Chunyuan Liao, Scott R. Klemmer, François Guimbretière, Brian Lee, Boyko Kakaradov, Jeannie Stamberger, Andreas Paepcke. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
53 | groupTime: Preference-Based Group Scheduling. Mike Brzozowski, Kendra Carattini, Patrick Mihelich, Scott R Klemmer, Jiang Hu, Andrew Y. Ng. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2004 | |
54 | Papier-Mache: Toolkit Support for Tangible Input. Scott R Klemmer, Jack Li, James Lin, James A Landay. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2003 | |
55 | Books with Voices: Paper Transcripts as a Tangible Interface to Oral Histories. Scott R Klemmer, Jamey Graham, Gregory J. Wolff, James A Landay. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
56 | Two Worlds Apart: Bridging the Gap Between Physical and Virtual Media for Distributed Design Collaboration. Katherine M. Everitt, Scott R Klemmer, Robert Lee, James A Landay. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2002 | |
57 | Where Do Web Sites Come From? Capturing and Interacting with Design History. Scott R Klemmer, Michael Thomsen, Ethan Phelps-Goodman, Robert Lee, James A Landay. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
58 | Embarking on Spoken-Language NL Interface Design. Anoop K Sinha, Scott R Klemmer, James A Landay. The International Journal of Speech Technology. 5 |
2001 | |
59 | The Designers' Outpost: A Tangible Interface for Collaborative Web Site Design. Scott R Klemmer, Mark W Newman, Ryan Farrell, Mark Bilezikjian, James A Landay. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
2000 | |
60 | SUEDE: A Wizard of Oz Prototyping Tool for Speech User Interfaces. Scott R Klemmer, Anoop K Sinha, J. Chen, James A Landay, Nadeem Aboobaker, Annie Wang. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
61 | ReMap: Lowering the barrier to help-seeking with multimodal search. C Ailie Fraser, Julia M Markel, N James Basa, Mira Dontcheva, Scott Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
short | |
2019 | |
1 | How live streaming does (and doesn't) change creative practices. C Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, Joy O Kim, Scott Klemmer. ACM interactions. |
2015 | |
2 | Introduction to Online Learning at Scale. Benjamin B. Bederson, Daniel M. Russell, Scott Klemmer. TOCHI: ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. |
2014 | |
3 | Introduction to This Special Issue on Understanding Design Thinking. Scott R Klemmer & John M Carroll. Human-Computer Interaction. |
4 | State of Design: How Design Education Must Change. Don Norman and Scott Klemmer. LinkedIn. |
2011 | |
5 | Skintroducing the Future. Scott R Klemmer. Communications of the ACM. |
2009 | |
6 | When is Collaborating with Friends a Good Idea?. Heidy Maldonado, Scott R. Klemmer, Roy D. Pea. CSCL: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. |
7 | Opportunistic Programming: Writing Code to Prototype, Ideate, and Discover. Joel Brandt, Philip J. Guo, Joel Lewenstein, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott R. Klemmer. IEEE Software. 26 |
2008 | |
8 | Finding Inspiration for the Future in Our Past. Scott R. Klemmer. Ambidextrous Magazine. |
9 | Hacking, Mashing, Gluing: Understanding Opportunistic Design. Björn Hartmann, Scott Doorley and Scott R. Klemmer. IEEE Pervasive Computing . 7 |
2005 | |
10 | Teaching Embodied Interaction Design Practice. Scott R. Klemmer, Bill Verplank, Wendy Ju. DUX: ACM Conference on Designing for User eXperience. |
11 | Integrating Physical and Digital Interactions. Scott R Klemmer. IEEE Computer. 38 |
12 | HCI at Stanford University. Terry Winograd and Scott Klemmer. Interactions. 12 |
2002 | |
13 | Informal PUIs: No Recognition Required. James A Landay, Jason I. Hong, Scott R Klemmer, James Lin, Mark W Newman. AAAI Spring Symposium: Sketch Understanding Workshop. |
chapters | |
2015 | |
1 | Learning Design Wisdom By Augmenting Physical Studio Critique With Online Self-Assessment. Chinmay Kulkarni and Scott Klemmer. Reframing Quality Assurance in Creative Disciplines: Evidence from Practice. |
2014 | |
2 | Peer and Self Assessment in Massive Online Classes. Chinmay Kulkarni, Koh Pang Wei, Huy Le, Daniel Chia, Kathryn Papadopoulos, Justin Cheng, Daphne Koller, Scott R Klemmer. Design Thinking Research: Building Innovators. |
2013 | |
3 | Early and Repeated Exposure to Examples Improves Creative Work. Chinmay Kulkarni, Steven P Dow, Scott R Klemmer. Design Thinking Research: Building Innovation Eco-Systems. |
2012 | |
4 | Prototyping Dynamics: Sharing Multiple Designs Improves Exploration, Group Rapport, and Results. Steven P. Dow, Julie Fortuna, Dan Schwartz, Beth Altringer, Daniel L. Schwartz, and Scott R. Klemmer. Design Thinking Research: Measuring Performance. |
2011 | |
5 | Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Self-Efficacy. Steven P Dow, Scott R Klemmer. Design Thinking Research: Studying Co-Creation in Practice. |
2010 | |
6 | The Efficacy of Prototyping Under Time Constraints. Steven P Dow, Scott R Klemmer. Design Thinking: Understand - Improve - Apply. |
7 | Programming by a Sample: Leveraging Web Sites to Program Their Underlying Services. Bjoern Hartmann, Leslie Wu, Kevin Collins, Scott R Klemmer. No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web. |
8 | How the Web Helps People Turn Ideas Into Code. Joel Brandt, Philip J. Guo, Joel Lewenstein, Mira Dontcheva, Scott R Klemmer. No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web. |
2007 | |
9 | Tools for Rapidly Prototyping Mobile Interactions. Yang Li, Scott R Klemmer, James A Landay. Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology. |
extended abstracts | |
2021 | |
1 | Adjacent Display of Relevant Discussion Helps Resolve Confusion. Matin Yarmand, Srishti Palani, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2019 | |
2 | ReMap: Multimodal Help-Seeking. C Ailie Fraser, Julia M Markel, N James Basa, Mira Dontcheva, Scott Klemmer. Adjunct Proceedings of UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.. |
3 | The dark side of satisficing: Setting the temperature of creative thinking. Tricia J Ngoon, Caren M Walker, Scott Klemmer. Adjunct Proceedings of Creativity & Cognition. |
4 | Experiment Reconstruction Reduces Fixation on Surface Details of Explanations. Samuel Lau, Tricia J Ngoon, Vineet Pandey, Scott Klemmer. Adjunct Proceedings of Creativity & Cognition. |
2017 | |
5 | Escaping the Echo Chamber: Ideologically and Geographically Diverse Discussions about Politics. Julia Cambre, Scott Klemmer, Chinmay Kulkarni. Extended Abstracts of CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
6 | Long-Term Peer Reviewing Effort is Anti-Reciprocal. Yasmine Kotturi, Andrew Du, Chinmay Kulkarni, Scott Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale: Work in Progress. |
7 | Standing on the Shoulders of Peers: Tournament-Style Remixing in Project Courses. Julia Cambre, Scott Klemmer. Companion of CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. |
2016 | |
8 | Supporting Peer Instruction with Evidence-Based Online Instructional Templates. Tricia Ngoon, Alexander Gamero-Garrido, Scott Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
9 | DiscoverySpace: Crowdsourced Suggestions Onboard Novices in Complex Software. C. Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, Holger Winnemöller, Scott Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. |
2015 | |
10 | Do Numeric Ratings Impact Peer Reviewers?. Catherine M. Hicks, C. Ailie Fraser, Purvi Desai, Scott Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
11 | Connecting Stories and Pedagogy Increases Participant Engagement in Discussions. Vineet Pandey, Yasmine Kotturi, Chinmay Kulkarni, Michael S. Bernstein, Scott Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
2014 | |
12 | Towards Responsive Retargeting of Existing Websites. Gilbert Louis Bernstein and Scott Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology. |
13 | Learning Innovation at Scale. Joseph Jay Williams, Rene F. Kizilcec, Daniel M. Russell, Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
14 | Community TAs Scale High-Touch Learning, Provide Student-Staff Brokering, and Build Esprit de Corps. Kathryn Papadopoulos, Lalida Sritanyaratana, and Scott R Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
15 | Talkabout: Small-group Discussions in Massive Global Classes. Julia Cambre, Chinmay Kulkarni, Michael S. Bernstein, Scott R. Klemmer. ACM Learning at Scale. |
2013 | |
16 | Are MOOCs the Future of Education?. Daniel M. Russell, Scott Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
17 | Tools for Predicting Drop-off in Large Online Classes. Justin Cheng, Chinmay Kulkarni, Scott Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. |
18 | Head-mounted and Multi-surface Displays Support Emergency Medical Teams. Leslie Wu, Jesse Cirimele, Jon Bassen, Kristen Leach, Stuart Card, Larry Chu, Kyle Harrison, Scott Klemmer. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. |
2012 | |
19 | Data-Driven Web Design. Ranjitha Kumar, Jerry O. Talton, Salman Ahmad, and Scott R. Klemmer. ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning. |
20 | A Platform for Large-Scale Machine Learning on Web Design. Arvind Satyanarayan, Maxine Lim, Scott R Klemmer. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2011 | |
21 | An asymmetric communications platform for knowledge sharing with low-end mobile phones. Neil Patel, Scott R. Klemmer, Tapan S. Parikh. UIST: Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. |
22 | Maintaining shared mental models in anesthesia crisis care with nurse tablet input and large-screen displays. Leslie Wu, Jesse Cirimele, Stuart Card, Scott Klemmer, Larry Chu, Kyle Harrison. UIST: Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. |
23 | Shepherding the Crowd: Managing and Providing Feedback to Crowd Workers. Steven P Dow, Brie Bunge, Truc Nguyen, Anand Kulkarni, Bjoern Hartmann, Scott R Klemmer. Works-in-Progress at CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
24 | Automatically adapting web pages to heterogeneous devices. Chinmay Kulkarni, Scott R Klemmer. Extended Abstracts of CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2009 | |
25 | Automatic Retargeting of Web Page Content. Ranjitha Kumar, Juho Kim, and Scott R Klemmer. CHI: work-in-progress. |
26 | Aesthetics Matter: Leveraging Design Heuristics to Synthesize Visually Satisfying Handheld Interfaces. Yeonsoo Yang, Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: Work-in-progress. |
27 | Remixing The Web: Enhancing Tailoring Using Programmable Proxies. Joel Brandt, Leslie Wu, Scott R. Klemmer. CHI Workshop on End User Programming for the Web. |
2008 | |
28 | Opportunistic Programming: How Rapid Ideation and Prototyping Occur in Practice. Joel Brandt, Philip J. Guo, Joel Lewenstein, Scott R. Klemmer. Workshop on End-User Software Engineering IV. ICSE 2008: 30th International Conference on Software Engineering. |
29 | Testing Physical Computing Prototypes Through Time-Shifted & Simulated Input Traces. Timothy Cardenas, Marcello Bastea-Forte, Antonio Ricciardi, Bjoern Hartmann, Scott R. Klemmer. UIST: Extended Abstracts. |
30 | Rehearse: Coding Interactively while Prototyping. William Choi, Joel Brandt, Scott R. Klemmer. UIST: Extended Abstracts. |
2007 | |
31 | Pointer: Multiple Collocated Display Inputs Suggests New Models for Program Design and Debugging. Marcello Bastea-Forte, Ron Yeh, Scott R. Klemmer. UIST: Extended Abstracts. |
32 | txt 4 l8r: Lowering the Burden for Diary Studies Under Mobile Conditions. Joel Brandt, Noah Weiss, and Scott R. Klemmer. CHI: Work-in-progress. |
33 | Range: Exploring Proxemics in Collaborative Whiteboard Interaction. Wendy Ju, Brian Lee, and Scott R Klemmer. CHI: Extended Abstracts. People's Choice Award |
2006 | |
34 | Diamond's Edge: From Notebook to Table and Back Again. Michael Bernstein, Avi Robinson-Mosher, Ron Yeh, Scott Klemmer. Ubicomp: Posters. |
35 | Bridging the Gap: Fluidly Connecting Paper Notecards with Digital Representations for Story/Task-Based Planning. Tom Hurlbutt, Scott R Klemmer. CHI: Extended Abstracts. |
36 | Lash-Ups: A Toolkit for Location-Aware Mash-Ups . Joel Brandt and Scott R Klemmer. UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. |
37 | Technology for Design Education: A Case Study. Heidy Maldonado, Brian Lee, Scott R Klemmer. CHI: Extended Abstracts. |
38 | Interaction Design for Active Bodies: Two Themes. Scott R Klemmer, Bjoern Hartmann, Leila Takayama. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Workshop on What is the Next Generation of Human-Computer Interaction?. |
2005 | |
39 | Visually Prototyping Physical UIs through Statecharts. Björn Hartmann, Scott R Klemmer, Michael Bernstein, Nirav Mehta. UIST: Extended Abstracts. |
40 | ButterflyNet: Mobile Capture and Access for Biologists. Ron B Yeh, Scott R Klemmer. Conference Supplement to UIST 2005: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: Posters. |
41 | Pair Programming: When and Why it Works. Jan Chong, Robert Plummer, Larry Leifer, Scott R Klemmer, Ozgur Eris, and George Toye. Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop. |
2003 | |
42 | Papier-Mache: Toolkit Support for Tangible Interaction. Scott R Klemmer. Conference Supplement to UIST 2003: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: Doctoral Symposium. |
2002 | |
43 | A Pervasive Computing Framework Supporting Collaboration In Documentary History Projects. Scott R Klemmer. DIS 2002: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Post-graduate Symposium. |
44 | Bridging Physical and Electronic Media for Distributed Design Collaboration. Scott R Klemmer, Katherine M. Everitt. Extended Abstracts of CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
2001 | |
45 | Supporting Children's Collaboration Across Handheld Computers. Regan Mandryk, Kori M. Inkpen, Mark Bilezikjian, Scott R Klemmer, James A. Landay. CHI: Work-in-progress. |
46 | SUEDE: Iterative, Informal Prototyping for Speech Interfaces. Anoop K Sinha, Scott R Klemmer, Jack Chen, James A Landay, Cindy Chen. Extended Abstracts of ChI 2001: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
47 | Different Strokes For Different Folks: A Fluid Toolbelt Of Paper, Walls, And Electronic Sketching. Scott R Klemmer, James A Landay. CHI 2001: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Workshop on Tools, Conceptual Frameworks, and Empirical Studies for Early Stages of Design. |
2000 | |
48 | The Designers' Outpost: A Task-centered Tangible Interface for Web Site Information Design. Scott R Klemmer, Mark W Newman, Raecine S Sapien. CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. |
49 | A Tangible Difference: Participatory Design Studies Informing a Designers' Outpost. Scott Klemmer, Mark Newman, Ryan Farrell, Raecine Meza, James A. Landay. CSCW 2000: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Workshop on Shared Environments to Support Face-to-Face Collaboration. |
Tech Reports | |
2016 | |
1 | Scaling Beliefs about Learning to Predict Performance and Enjoyment in an Online Course. Catherine Hicks & Scott Klemmer. PsyArXiv. |
2 | An HCI View of Configuration Problems. Tianyin Xu, Vineet Pandey, Scott Klemmer. Arxiv. |
2012 | |
3 | Our experience with self-assessment and peer critique in design education. Chinmay Kulkarni, Scott R Klemmer. Tech Report. |
2010 | |
4 | Rehearse: Helping Programmers Adapt Examples by Visualizing Execution and Highlighting Related Code. Joel Brandt, Vignan Pattamatta, Scott R Klemmer. tech-report. |
2009 | |
5 | The Effect of Parallel Prototyping on Design Performance, Learning, and Self-Efficacy. Steven P. Dow, Alana Glassco, Jonathan Kass, Melissa Schwarz, Scott R. Klemmer. Unpublished Technical Report. |
2000 | |
6 | Towards a location-based context-aware sensor infrastructure. Scott Klemmer, Sarah Waterson, Kamin Whitehouse. CS Division, EECS Department, University of California at Berkeley. |
7 | A Tangible Evolution: System Architecture and Participatory Design Studies of the Designers' Outpost. Scott R Klemmer, Mark W Newman, Ryan Farrell, Raecine Meza, James A Landay. NCSTSTRL.UCB /CSD -00-1116. University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report.. |
8 | Exploring a New Interaction Paradigm for Collaborating on Handheld Computers. Mark Bilezikjian, Regan L. Mandryk, Scott R Klemmer, Kori Inkpen, James A Landay. NCSTSTRL.UCB /CSD -00-1117. University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report. |